mercredi, 12 février 2025

Rencontre Open Badges Community Meeting de IMS Global (août 2017)

C’est ce jeudi AM qu’aura lieu une rencontre de la communauté autour du standard Open Badges géré par IMS Global. Vous pouvez voir le résumé de la rencontre de mars dernier en Floride dans cet article Sommet sur les attestations (Digital Credentials) et les badges numériques par IMS Global.

Voici la programmation pour cette édition Open Badges Community Meeting :

9:00-9:15 a.m. – Jeff Bohrer, IMS; Welcome and brief update on IMS activities with Open Badges

9:15-9:45 a.m. – Daniel T. Hickey, Indiana University Learning Sciences Program; Research: Where Badges Work Better

Summary of the findings of an extended study of 30 efforts to develop digital badge systems in the Badges for Lifelong Learning initiative. Includes general finds for competency-based, inquiry-based, and participation-based badge systems, and specific findings for using badges to recognize, assess, motivate, and study learning.

Site Web du projet : Design Principles Documentation Project

9:45-10:15 a.m. – Victoria Raish and Emily Rimland, Penn State University Libraries; Research: Employer Perceptions of Soft Skills and Digital Badges

Recap of the findings of a survey done with human resources personnel nationwide. We asked questions surrounding recent college graduates’ soft skills readiness, in particular about information literacy, as well as their likelihood of evaluating these skills through digital badges. Results are granular by field and give insights of employers in different industries.

Notes : Présentation des résultats de deux sondages sur la perception de la valeur des badges numériques par des responsables des ressources humaines dans plusieurs entreprises.
Article complet : Employer Perceptions of Critical Information Literacy Skills and Digital Badges (2016)
Le secteur manufacturier et celui des technologies de l’information sont les plus intéressés par les badges numériques.


10:15-10:45 a.m. – Shannon Wells, California Community Colleges; 21st Century Skills Badging

21st Century Skills Digital Badges are micro-credentials that supplement learners’ traditional academic measurements such as course completion, certificate and degree and allow employers to understand learners’ less academic yet critical skills needed in the workplace.  21st Century Skills Badges, developed in partnership with New World of Work and the Foundation for California Community Colleges through support by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Doing What Matters for Jobs and the Economy framework, align with New World of Work’s curriculum and resources for its “top 10” 21st Century Employability Skills: Adaptability, Analysis/Solution Mindset, Collaboration, Communication, Digital Fluency, Empathy, Entrepreneurial Mindset, Resilience, Self-Awareness and Social/Diversity Awareness.

 Ils utilisent la plateforme LaunchPath pour le système de badges.

10:45-11:15 a.m. – DigitalMe; Mozilla Backpack update

DigitalMe va poursuivre le développement du projet BackPack de Mozilla.

 11:15-11:45 a.m. Get Involved with the Open Badges Community

Cate Tolnai, Santa Clara County Schools; K-12 badge network
Doug Belshaw, We Are Open Co-op; Badge Wiki project
Lancement de pour documenter l’univers des badges numériques par @WeAreOpenCoop @participate.
Cara Jenkins, IMS OB; Community Directory project
11:45 a.m. – noon –  Jeff Bohrer, IMS; additional ways to contribute to Open Badges; closing

*Vous pouvez y assister par Web diffusion, il suffit d’en faire la demande.

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